Testing the boundaries


Annie Shafi

After hosting a training session with a foster carer we struck up a conversation on how they were getting on and they told me that there’s always something to think about when you have a foster child in your care.

The conversation went to how their foster child who is a teenager is on the road to independence and testing the boundaries.

The story all started with an SMS message when he finished school to say that he wasn’t coming home, he was going straight to a mate’s house to chill.
The worrying thing for the parents was that they didnt know what time he will be home or if he wanted his tea leaving in microwave/oven, was he goong to have his tea their. Genrally with kids and teenagers they arent really good on keeping on top of food. The concern for the child going hungry and not having anything to eat was playing on their minds.

This is a general case to be worried but as the child grows they will want to chill out with friends after school etc just like we did when we were their age. I remember coming home straight from school and going straight out to play football in the park with friends etc and am sure you guys will have similar stories.

The main thing that arose from this conversation was the fact that keeping our foster children safe is the biggest priority and as for the family they said they are more protective over the foster child than their own children.

Now that’s not to say they don’t love their own children. The foster children’s guardians are the local authorities and they have entrusted us to look after the child to the best of our abilities

the parents are really cuatious when it does come to the foster child and they always ask themselves what the childs socail worker would do or say. Now that doesn’t mean ringing the social worker countless times in a day to ask for their opinion. Use your common sense and be a bit on the cautious side.

sometimes even your own children can surprise you with unpredictable behaviors at times and a foster child is someone you don’t know as well as your own children. it’s always good to be on the cautious side.

The main thing is putting restrictions or boundaries in place is a good thing although the child might have a good moan about it, deep down inside it shows you really care for the child.

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